Nick's Dramatic European Adventure

Nicholas Linnehan Start Date: Mar 13, 2013 - End Date: Jul 5, 2013
  • Various Locations, Slovakia

My Travel Story

by: Nicholas Linnehan Start Date: Mar 13, 2013 - End Date: Jul 5, 2013

Dear Theater Friends

I was wondering if you might consider helping me fund-raise for my trip. You could either donate directly or have a night where you would ask for donations to help defray my cost to Europe as part of Dramatic Adventures European Adventure this summer. I have been selected to go but need to fund raise.

This trip will consist of me teaching theater to poverty stricken kids in the Czech Republic and take what I learn and put it into an original show that will perform here in August. This trip has all of the reasons I love theater: teaching, writing, directing, and performing. All the while helping kids. Its everything I believe in. Its not simply a trip to Europe for 3 weeks for me. Its much much more.

If you could help me that would be amazing. It could be as simple as sending out an email blast to your patrons, or if you have a performance allowing me to ask for donations for one night. Anything would help and if you're willing Im sure we could find an appropriate way to make it work for you.

I hate to ask, but I know that a trip like this will benefit everyone who contributes as they will help shape the experience I have. I will also send out updates to the contributors along the trip.

Please help me embark on this once in a lifetime opportunity,

Nicholas Linnehan

  • Various Locations, Slovakia


  • Update Title

    only a few days before i keave!!!!!!!!!! so excited
  • Running Out Of Time

    only 3 days left can you help?