Paris Photography Class 2025

Jeanette Gray Start Date: Feb 28, 2025 - End Date: Jun 27, 2025
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Paris, France

My Travel Story

by: Jeanette Gray Start Date: Feb 28, 2025 - End Date: Jun 27, 2025
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Study/Degree Abroad
Hello! My name is Jeanette Gray. 
My study abroad program to Paris France is a photography class that I need for an upper elective. I am currently in my third year of college, first semseter at a University. The reason I selected this study aborad program other than it relating to my course credits is because I have never traveled before or been on a plane. Which is very crazy to think as I have been on earth for 22 years so far and have gone nowhere. I would use this experience not only to learn for school but to learn about other cultures, people and places. A few things I look forward to about this trip is the plan ride! I feel both excited and scared for that first time experience. And visiting different muesems as I have only been to the phoenix art muesum as a child. 
Some background on myself and my family is that I am a first generation college student, my father was a miltary veteran who served in the Vietnam War (yes he was very old lol) and my mother a caregiver. Although my father has passed away, I know he would want me to see the world and get out of the bubble I have created for myself. As for my mom, she is very excited that I have this amazing opprotunity to go study abroad as she too has never been out of the country (U.S.). Growing up, for about 16 years, my family and I were in and out of homeless shelters and on the streets. Despite those hardships we persevered and are thankfully in stable low-income housing which allows me to attend college now based on grants. 
A little bit more about this study aborad program is that it is a Photography class that takes place this summer 2025, so we will be taking photos of the scenery,people, etc  which I will be very happy to share with any and all donors! If you do decide to donate which I would very much appereicate please feel free to leave an email so that I can send my photos and notes on the experience! :) 
I am very passionate about this project because I have dabbled in photography before and loved it. Although my current career choice is in film/media editing, I feel as if learning about photography would greatly help with that as I will somewhat get a look on what it is like on the other end of creating media. 
I really appreciate you for reading and for donating! It would also help a bunch if you could share this with your friends, family, colleagues, etc. Thank you again!
  • Paris, France