Unexpected love story

Balsa Pamucar Start Date: Oct 3, 2020 - End Date: Dec 31, 2020

My Travel Story

by: Balsa Pamucar Start Date: Oct 3, 2020 - End Date: Dec 31, 2020
I met this lady back in 2016 when I was working in Dubai.
My only inspiration in life is love and I have always been that guy that falls in love head over heels. Because of it, my heart has been broken more than a few times. But I never gave up on love and searching for that special someone. This lady is my special someone, my malaika (swahili for queen), my kidege (swahili for bird). We started dating in 2016 and are still together. As any couple, we have numerous plans but, as it goes in life, sometimes not everything goes according to plan.
I left for home in 2019 to see my friends and family, thinking I am gonna spend 2-3 months in my country and then go to Africa to be with the one I love. In the meantime, my baby got a job on a cruise ship and we decided to wait for her contract to expire and then meet either in my country or hers. A couple of months later its 2020 and Covid19 hits the world. Everybody is affected and all our plans fell apart. The company send her home to Kenya and I was stuck in Serbia.
We talk everyday via skype and are still very much in love with each other. The problem is that I have no job at the moment and that last time we seen each other in the flesh was more than a year ago.
I am trying to raise funds for airplane ticket and visa for Kenya so I can go and finally be with my baby.
Any donation, no matter how small, will be vastly appreciated.