Hospitality student can and will be SUCCESSFUL!

Cecilia Chan Start Date: Mar 2, 2016 - End Date: Jun 29, 2016
  • Australia

My Travel Story

by: Cecilia Chan Start Date: Mar 2, 2016 - End Date: Jun 29, 2016
Hello everyone! I'm Cecilia from Malaysia. I've been taking Diploma in Hotel and Tourism Management course for the past 2 years. Taking this course surely changes my life and so does my personality. I've become much more outgoing, confident and independant. I LOVE joining this industry as I'm able to meet people from all around the world and it also helps to achieve my travel-the-world dream.*yayyyy to hospitality industry* And I have no regrets of taking this course. 

  Unfortunately, it's the opposite side of everything to my parents, they stop supporting me after my Diploma course as they think it's a waste of money and time in this industry. They believe there's no need of education in hospitality industry such as working as F&B staff or housekeeping deartment. I don't and will never blame my parents for that because I understand all they cared was me. But I want to prove to them that even hospitality students can be successful, we can be who we want if we're willing to put effort in it! And Australia is much more affordable compared to US or UK.
I want to build a world experience CV and I hope people out there could support my decision and cheer to hospitality students! And  I PROMISE to every of you who donates, I'll do my best and never give up! You have my words!

And for those who donated any amount of money, I'll promise to send a handmade postcard to you as a gift from my heart! Your generous and kindful heart are truly being appreciated. 

Thank you and have a nice day everyone!!!! :D
  • Australia