She won! Now she needs to go to Florida!

Michelle Underwood Start Date: Apr 26, 2023 - End Date: Jun 24, 2023
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Professional Development
  • Vacation/Personal Trip
  • Orlando, FL, United States of America

My Travel Story

by: Michelle Underwood Start Date: Apr 26, 2023 - End Date: Jun 24, 2023
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Professional Development
  • Vacation/Personal Trip
The Universal Miss pageant system is about embracing who you are and giving back to your community through community service and leadership. My granddaughter, Joanna Underwood Monroy, won the Junior Miss division title for Oregon in the Pacific NW regional Universal Miss pageant and must travel to Florida to compete and represent her state in the Nationals. While she is there, she will be networking, taking workshops to build her public speaking, modeling, and leadership skills, and building confidence. 

She hopes to use the connections and skills she gains to further her goals of becoming a business owner and lawyer. She will be attending Willamette University in the fall on scholarships and financial aid, so any money left over from fundraising for the pageant will go towards her educational expenses.

Just in the last 10 months that she has been involved in pageantry she has grown tremendously in confidence, poise, and eloquence that is already paying dividends in allowing her to be accepted at Willamette University and to reach out to her community in ways she would never have dreamed of before.

Please help send her to Florida for this life changing event. For those who donate before May 15th, your names will appear in an advertisement in the official pageant Program Book. For those donating $500 or more, please select an item from the link for Official Miss Merch - Universal Miss sends all proceeds to charity. Purchases do not contribute to this fundraiser. Please include a link to the item you want, the color and size, if applicable, and your mailing address with your donation.
  • Orlando, FL, United States of America


  • She Is On Her Way!

  • Thank You Ad Has Been Submitted.

    Thank you ad has been submitted.
    We managed to reduce some of the cost because her mother can't go, so she is flying and riding to/from airports with a friend and staying with them before and after the official pageant nights. The airline she will be flying on doesn't charge for bags either so that saves up to $800 in fees. Thank you to everyone who looked at and shared this fundraiser, and a special thanks to those who helped support her. Her former ballet teacher has been letting her use the studio before lessons to practice her routines. (The rest of the ad is thanking her family.)

Adventure Registry

  • Airline tickets

    Michelle Underwood
    • Granted
  • Luggage and equipment

    • Granted
  • Accommodations - room share

    • Granted