Help Fund My Trip To Japan and Future Opportunities!

Clayton D'Andrade Start Date: Sep 2, 2023 - End Date: Jan 1, 2024
  • Fukuoka, Japan

My Travel Story

by: Clayton D'Andrade Start Date: Sep 2, 2023 - End Date: Jan 1, 2024

Hello. My name is Clayton and I could really use your help.

You see, for the past decade, I had struggled with health issues and an environment that was extremely difficult to find success in. Due to these factors, it's been tough to find work and I have been bleeding money for years. Recently, I managed to secure an internship in Japan that will help me gain a teaching certification for future opportunities.

I have always dreamed of living and working in this country as I feel it would not only be an excellent change of pace, but would enrich and heal me after so many years of strife.

Though this is my dream come true, I am going in very little funds and would genuinely like to both enjoy the experience and have enough extra cash to sustain myself upon my return. I know I’m just a complete stranger, but I would very much appreciate any and all kindness that you can offer. Thank you and God bless.

  • Fukuoka, Japan