Learning Opp: Help Fund My Business School Trip to S. America

Eric Sliter Start Date: Apr 18, 2023 - End Date: Aug 17, 2023
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Santiago, Chile

My Travel Story

by: Eric Sliter Start Date: Apr 18, 2023 - End Date: Aug 17, 2023
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Study/Degree Abroad

TLDR Version:
I need your help to continue my degree! My international trip is a required part of PSU's curriculum, providing degree credits, and will be an INCREDIBLE opportunity for me to learn more about international business practices. I am requesting assistance with funding my business school trip to Argentina and Chile! I'm excited for the cultural immersion, bringing back knowledge on best practices, biodiversity, and countless other things that I can learn about on this experience. My current level of financial insecurity, and impacted income, makes any level donation appreciated! I'll be able to bring back countless skills that go towards graduation, and you'll be helping me accomplish some of my biggest dreams.

The Reason for the Campaign:
Growing up in landlocked Kentucky, I knew from a young age that I was drawn to the natural world and biodiversity. While I'm proud of my roots, there's only so much diversity to experience in staying in one place! The support of family and friends has gotten me farther than I ever would've imagine in achieiving my dreams.

Over the last decade, I've been pursuing my ambitious goals of working in biotech and environmental sustainability, taking me to many places. After traveling internationally and experiencing a small piece of how diverse this world is, I've been fortunate enough to have worked in educational management across the country and I've seen incredible places.

In these fast paced times, it's critical now more than ever for audiences to be educated about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathmatics (STEM) and to be able to understand the natural world and resources around them. Education opens so many doors, and I hope to continue with my goals of passionate sustainability outreach and education. 

This pandemic forced me into a situation of dangerous living situations, prolonged financial insecurity, among many other stressful impacts that I'm still trying to bounce back from. For those of you who don't know yet, I was accepted into Portland State University's (PSU) MBA graduate program in Fall of 2022 and am excited to be working towards my dreams of being an entrepreneur! Unfortunately, grad school is very expensive, and even with multiple jobs I'm still working my hardest to be able to afford my education!

I need your help, so I'm asking for donations to help fund my international business school trip to Argentina and Chile, which will significantly help gain real world experience, and degree credits. Your support will make a huge difference in helping me achieve my goals, where I can travel with purpose. Every dollar counts, and I greatly appreciate the help!

Ya'll know that I'm not the best at regularly using social media, though I plan to follow up with people who help to make this goal possible!

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Santiago, Chile


  • The Trip Is Real Now! Plane Tickets Were Purchased!

    The trip is real now! Plane tickets were purchased!
    I had to make a big move and go ahead in buying my flights! It's real ya'll! The tickets cost me an arm and a leg, but I put it on my United credit card. I'll be flying to Santiago, Chile, then the program covers a flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina. From there I'll be returning to Portland. My goal is to try and see Ecuador on this trip, though this is still out of reach with my current level of funding, so I haven't made this arrangement yet! Fingers crossed that I can raise enough to make this leg of the trip happen!

    Thank you so much to all who have previously contributed, since purchasing these tickets wouldn't have been possible without the help.

    I still need assistance in funding the actual program costs, as well as making back up the deficit! I'm not simply asking for change, as I'm also working on putting together a fundraising scavenger hunt event that those are who in my local area can look forward to!
  • April 25th - A Perfect Date

    Not too hot, not too cold..all you need is a light jacket.