Build-A-Home & Community Project Volunteer Trip in the Philippines
My Travel Story
~~~Check out this inspiring video that was one of the many things that inspired me and this trip. This video tells the story of a day in the life of Elsa, who began her own community center project in 2013 in a rural village called Cangumbang, which later saved the entire village from the wrath of Typhoon Haiyan. She visits the site at Cangumbang. Check out the video and please share (Video Credit to Brandon Knopp)~~~
Fellow Friends and Family,
Hi! Danny Dancel here, musician, student, and yoga enthusiast. In April I am going to be volunteering for the fully-registered non-profit, non-government organization called Volunteer for the Visayans (VFV). VFV is based in Tocloban City on the island of Leyte in the Philippines, which is one of the many places where Typhoon Yolanda has severely affected and destroyed.
I am currently fundraising money to help out with my projects that I will be working on with the VFV. This entails the organization’s Construction Project in rebuilding homes and also volunteering at the VFV Community Center with their Boys and Girls Club and Mothers Club by teaching music and yoga lessons. Any money that you can donate would be a great blessing. I sincerely appreciate and I am humbly grateful for you and your help. Contact me at if you have any further inquiries.
As many of you know this area on November 8, 2013 was struck by one of the strongest storms ever recorded with devastating storms and deadly 300 kilometer per hour winds. Internationally, this storm is known as Typhoon Haiyan, locally it is referred to as Yolanda. Many coastline communities were completely wiped out and much of the city’s internal infrastructure was completely destroyed. While official figures record the death toll at approximately 6,000, many local sources suggest that the actual number of Yolanda victims could far surpass 10,000.
"We're not so much helping out because it's 'me' needing to tend to 'you' - We're helping out because it's US." by Ram Dass
This quote along with many different experiences have influenced me to participate in volunteer experiences. Coming from a family with parents who grew up in the Philippines with almost next nothing and working hard to getting to America and getting the education and jobs they needed to better their lives here, they always reminded me to always help those in need and to not forget where they came from. I also remember as a kid visiting my family and my parents' birthplaces in the Philippines and remembering how greatly it affected me. This experience affected me to the extent where I have always wanted to help those in need, whether it'd be through my music or any service that I can provide. I remember looking at their living spaces and thinking to myself even as a kid, I wish I could build you a new house, give you more food to eat, give you clothes to wear, help you with your homework, show you the care that I get and can give.
Volunteering in any way has the potential to motivate ourselves to help our lives, help others' lives, and to help all of us as a whole. To help us grow and be the beautiful human race that we can be and that we are. These experiences have shaped my life morals and understanding of volunteering by showing me the compassion, motivation, and empathy that a person can and should have in being a human being and coexisting as a whole.
Today, many communities affected by Yolanda are still completely destroyed and only now are they regaining better electricity and living conditions. Organizations like VFV are doing everything they can by providing community restoration, community building, food, and medical help.You can find out more information and how to help by going to their website You can also keep posted on what I will be doing on my blog once I volunteer in April at
Sending Peace, Love, and Positivity to you all, to us. Thank you!
More Travel Information
Campaign Ended
$ 935 USD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 1,200 USD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
$ 1,200
In Partnership with:
Volunteer for the Visayans
Deb Cunningham Funded $ 25 USD
Mar 27, 2014 -
Rhea Bravo Funded $ 50 USD
Mar 26, 2014 -
Anonymous Funded $ 20 USD
Mar 26, 2014 -
Terry Cohen Funded $ 50 USD
Mar 26, 2014 -
C.J. Cohen Funded $ 60 USD
Mar 26, 2014 -
Susan Funded $ 20 USD
Mar 26, 2014 -
Jack Markson Funded $ 100 USD
Mar 25, 2014 -
Christine Dancel Funded $ 15 USD
Mar 25, 2014 -
Captain Mulch Funded $ 50 USD
Mar 25, 2014 -
Kuya Randy Funded $ 10 USD
Mar 24, 2014 -
Kuya Randy Funded $ 50 USD
Mar 24, 2014 -
Sergeant Pepper Funded $ 40 USD
Mar 10, 2014 -
Polythene Pam Funded $ 10 USD
Mar 01, 2014 -
Anonymous Funded $ 10 USD
Feb 28, 2014 -
Urszula i Marek Sierzputowski Funded $ 50 USD
Feb 27, 2014 -
Charles Mauter Funded $ 100 USD
Feb 27, 2014 -
Anonymous Funded $ 10 USD
Feb 23, 2014 -
Katelyn Gola Funded $ 25 USD
Feb 21, 2014 -
Gabby Curtis Funded $ 30 USD
Feb 21, 2014 -
Rebecca Hanna Funded $ 10 USD
Feb 20, 2014 -
Kurt Peters Funded $ 200 USD
Feb 20, 2014