Join me on this and just donate any amount!!!!
My Travel Story
If people give me donations and I reach my goal and they give me more then I needed then it will definitely go back into the community or anyone that I can help.I love helping people as a lot of people always help me
Im passionate because we started this for me but now I see a brighter future not only for myself but for others in need aswell and I would like to help others a lot and finish what Ive started to go back to South Africa and help where I can to make a difference in peoples lives
I chose this as Im from South Africa but Im stranded in Peru and would like to get home but I dont have enough funds for myself to get home with this I will not only help myself but others aswell.
More Travel Information
Campaign Ended
$ 175 USD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 1,036 USD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Airfare/ International Flights
$ 700
Local Travel Expenses
$ 56
Luggage and Equipment
$ 30
$ 200
FundMyTravel Site Fee
$ 50
In Partnership with:
Warrior Angels Rescue
Louise Wierda Funded $ 10 USD
Jun 04, 2020 -
Krystyna Pharoah Funded $ 10 USD
Jun 01, 2020 -
Salim Rajab Funded $ 25 USD
Jun 01, 2020 -
Nicole Berry Funded $ 30 USD
Jun 01, 2020 -
Warrior Angels Rescue Funded $ 100 USD
Jun 01, 2020