Help Em Help Them- Sri Lanka
My Travel Story
SLV are an amazing organisation who help people like myself to help individuals suffering from mental health issues in Sri Lanka, whilst gaining invaluable experience to learn from and utilise in the future.
Sri Lanka has suffered tragedies from tsunamis to civil war, it's people subjected to the psychological aftermath these events bring. Yet with funding low, the country only has an average of 1.36 beds in mental health outpatient facilites per 100,000 of the population. Furthermore, only 0.09 psychologists and 0.33 social workers are available per 100,000 of the population.
This lack of availability of resources and facilities means many people go left untreated, and many suffering from psychological conditions face stigma, isolation and discrimination.
Having this opportunity will mean I, along side others volunteering with SLV, will be able to help individuals living through these experiences on their road to recovery. This will be done using knowledge of Psychological methods tailored to the individual's needs. Activities and workshops will be a part of this, to encourage integration and a feeling of acceptance.
So, any donation big or small is welcomed to fund this program - it is an extremely worth while cause!
More Travel Information
Campaign Ended
£ 840
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
£ 800
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Program Fee
£ 800
In Partnership with:
Anonymous Funded £ 20 GBP
Feb 29, 2016 -
June Wakefield Funded £ 20 GBP
Feb 29, 2016 -
Liam Funded £ 30 GBP
Feb 29, 2016 -
Zoe Funded £ 20 GBP
Feb 17, 2016 -
Anonymous Funded £ 200 GBP
Feb 17, 2016 -
Anonymous Funded £ 440 GBP
Jan 23, 2016 -
Tom Giles Funded £ 10 GBP
Dec 20, 2015 -
Ali Gill Funded £ 100 GBP
Dec 20, 2015