Help Emma move to Scotland

Emma Bridges Start Date: Apr 5, 2014 - End Date: Aug 2, 2014
  • Scotland UK

My Travel Story

by: Emma Bridges Start Date: Apr 5, 2014 - End Date: Aug 2, 2014
Its really hard to put into words how long Iv waited for this. Iv wanted to move away and have an adventure since middle school. Last year I spent the summer all around Great Britian and well I fell in love and am now desperate to go back. I have had a Job since i was 16 and have kept at least one job working twenty hours a week since then but still have very low funds due to life throwing me some unfortunate pitches.

I'v offically become tired of waiting so I figured with this, plus my job I should be able to get there by next year at the latest! So please help me out, Im not asking for a lot just what you can will help me. I feel selfish for just asking but if any of you feel like helping to fund an adventure I'm accepting. So thank you guys for reading and even if you dont donate or even care about this and you're just reading this cause its 4am and you ended up here and you dont know why I hope you all have an amazing day.
  • Scotland UK