Help Mackenah Study animals in the Galapagos Islands

Mackenah Simmons Start Date: Aug 26, 2014 - End Date: Nov 23, 2014

My Travel Story

by: Mackenah Simmons Start Date: Aug 26, 2014 - End Date: Nov 23, 2014
The Galapagos islands are beautiful and abundant in unique wildlife. This is a one- in-a-lifetime trip to visit a place I have dreamed of since a child.
On my journy I will visit the Darwin interpretation center and Frigate Bird Hall. I will go on Wildlife observation excursions and discuss animal behaviors just as brilliant animal science pioneers have before me. I will taken tortoise viewing and meet some of the oldest living creatures on the planet. I will see lava tunnels and craters. I will get to view breathtaking sea creatures as we go snorkeling. I will learn about conservation efforts and be immursed into wildlife management with local experts.
This trip will expose me to a semester's worth of learning in 12 short days.


  • Being Broke Sucks...

    Hello Everyone!!!
    Thank  you so much for your donations. I submitted my application today and I am hoping that I can get the financial aid and funds necessary for this trip. I want to thank you for your support. I am very close!! Please Promote!