Help Peace Corp Volunteer Visit New Baby Niece!

Jessica Skelton Start Date: Sep 20, 2015 - End Date: Nov 18, 2015
  • Albania
  • Kentucky, United States

My Travel Story

by: Jessica Skelton Start Date: Sep 20, 2015 - End Date: Nov 18, 2015
Hello all! 

My name is Jessica. I am traveling to Albania to be a Health Extension Specialist with the Peace Corps! I leave March 4th, 2016! I will be working alongside other volunteers to bring a better living situation to the undeveloped side of Albania, which is about 70% of the country as a whole. Though there is a nice coastal area that some may have seen or even visited, the majority of the country lacks proper trash removal, sanitation, clean drinking water, and living situations. I will be working with local medical/health centers to bring education to the public about health related issues affecting the residents locally. This includes working with the local community, the general public, children during and after school, participating in local parades, and developing projects to better the lives of the Albanians overall. 

I currently work with veterans providing direct daily care and emergency care in an ER here in the States (Ohio). I have been working in this sense for the past 12 years and feel it is time to take my helping hand globally and help others in need; I know those here are in great hands already!

Though I cannot wait to begin the next chapter of my life and continue to help develop the lives of others, this does come with some drawbacks. On the positive side, I will be a Aunt for the first time Late March 2016! However, given the Peace Corps is voluntary and there is no payment for services, this means I will not be able to afford to see my new baby niece/nephew (they are waiting to see what it will be) until she/he is 2.5 years old! 

I am seeking travel assistance to come back and visit 1 time during my deployment with the Peace Corps so I can see my new niece/nephew! As you would expect travel from Albania is quite expensive. I have been able to find that a ticket costs about $1700 (no fees included) for a roundtrip economy ticket, about 19 hours each way, from Tirana, Albania to where my family is here in CVG, Kentucky!

It would mean the world to me to be able to visit my newest family member before I return after service and anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you in advance! :)
  • Albania
  • Kentucky, United States