Help me take my family to Mexico, especially my son!

Jeff Moss Start Date: Mar 16, 2015 - End Date: May 14, 2015
  • San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico

My Travel Story

by: Jeff Moss Start Date: Mar 16, 2015 - End Date: May 14, 2015
While this trip is for my family; it is especially for my son.  My oldest son, Naoki, who is 9, is in what is called dual immersion at his primary school.  Starting at Kindergarten, it is tought 100% in Spanish.  As he progresses each year they teach more and more English, and my 6th grade it is 50/50 Spanish and English.  He would love to be able to see anything south of the border, and be able to use his skills to interact people outside of the school setting.  While there are so many places to go in Mexico, I chose San Felipe as it is not too touristy, yet still a safe destination to take a family of 6.  Most of all it is still an afordable desitnation to take the family.  Thank you, and any help is much appriciated/
  • San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico