Help save the dogs

Jen Barton Start Date: Jan 17, 2016 - End Date: Mar 31, 2016
  • Thailand

My Travel Story

by: Jen Barton Start Date: Jan 17, 2016 - End Date: Mar 31, 2016
I'm going to Thailand on a volunteer trip to help save dogs, in Thailand there are so many dogs without homes, food or love. My goal is to rescue as many dogs as I possibly can within the 2 weeks I'm there. I'm not asking for money to pay for my trip it's already paid for. I'm asking for donations, any money I get donated towards this fund I will give to rescue paws. It's an amazing organization.. Once the dogs are nourished back to health rescue paws send the dogs all across the world for a permanent home. Please help me make a difference and send these dogs to caring, loveable homes
  • Thailand