Our Friend Needs Funds for Travel!

Lauren Barcelona Start Date: Feb 28, 2013 - End Date: Apr 17, 2013
  • Barcelona, Spain

My Travel Story

by: Lauren Barcelona Start Date: Feb 28, 2013 - End Date: Apr 17, 2013

Our friend, Lauren, is in need of funds to help get her car back on track so that she can complete her travels. If you've ever been touched by her positive attitude, if you've ever had a better day because of her amazing and bubbly personality, please donate to the cause because Lauren, who is always helping out her friends, now needs a little bit of help from us.

PS. This is a secret! We will inform Lauren once we have funded this project.  We understand that many of you are students or lacking in funds, you don't have to give a lot just show her how many people care about her with a donation of any size.

  • Barcelona, Spain