Medical volunteer posting in Ghana, Africa - January 2016

Charlene Harris Start Date: Nov 23, 2015 - End Date: Jan 14, 2016

My Travel Story

by: Charlene Harris Start Date: Nov 23, 2015 - End Date: Jan 14, 2016
I hAve some news I am extremely excited about! I have been accepted to volunteer on a medical project in Ghana Africa in January 2016! The medical project in Ghana works with rural Ghanian communities in clinics and orphanages which are deprived of access to basic health care. Working in the medical field, i see first hand how lucky we are to have access to a multitude of free world class health care services. I am hoping to raise funds for medical equipment including gloves, hand wash, stethescopes, dressings and basic first aid equiptment. I am looking forward to gaining experience and perspective while hopefully making a positive change to those less fortunate. It should be a basic human right to have access to basic health care. So I am asking for your help with any donation big or small. Much love x


  • 2 Days Left!

    2 daysto go!!!!!! Cannot wait, last minute packing and before I know it I'll be on the flight with my case full of supplies :) 
  • Counting Down The Days

    11 sleeps until I begin my crazy and exciting adventure and I am truely overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of my family and friends. I have been able to make some purchases of gloves, hand sanitiser, stethoscopes and sphignamometers, syringes and needles, dressings and bandages, tapes and rehydration salts so far! Thank you, it means the world to me Xx