Womens's Empowerment Program, India

Vivienne Gunning Start Date: Dec 25, 2022 - End Date: May 16, 2023
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Volunteer Trip
  • India
  • Cameroon

My Travel Story

by: Vivienne Gunning Start Date: Dec 25, 2022 - End Date: May 16, 2023
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Volunteer Trip
Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. I attend to do two volunteering projects in 2023. India and Cameroon. I want to do stuff that matters. Life is short.

My India volunteering Project. From 6 March to 6 May, I have the opportunity to travel to Kerala, India, on a women’s empowerment project.  For eight weeks, I will be calling Ford Kerala my home. I believe the demographics of the world have changed. A mother strongly contributes to the type of men who will be the next generation. Therefore we should empower women through education to become knowledgeable and self-reliant and not depend on others to accomplish their goals.

Why India? I believe in personal growth. India is a society that is rich in culture and arts. With my skills ( BA Fine Arts graduate)  and being a small business owner, I can contribute to helping and educating these women in recognising and successfully developing entrepreneurial possibilities. Even if it is at ground level and in the informal business sectors. Most of my work will be based on culture and everyday life, so I hope to inspire and educate.  I am looking forward to this cross-cultural experience.

During India’s ancient past, women were forced to do only domestic chores inside the four walls. It was a dominant male society. Polygamy, African slavery, female infanticide, child marriage, Devadasi, purdah, dowry, and forced widowhood contributed to the static nature of Indian culture.

I have a spontaneous entrepreneurial spirit, and although my various career opportunities seem to be wide-ranging, they all are linked and helped the development me into a highly motivated and energetic individual committed to success; I am passionate about tourism and interacting with people with diverse nationalities and cultures; I possess excellent people skills with the capability to lead and manage; Through my various career opportunities; An experienced Lodge Management Consultant, Senior Expedition Leader, Travel Chef and Expert on Africa with more than 20 years of successful logistics, aviation management, I developed exceptional project management skills;  as well as a reputation for meeting the most challenging organizational objectives.

A small contribution will help me to stay focused and is much appreciated.


  • India
  • Cameroon


  • Women's Empowerment Vivienne Gunning - Hospitality Training

    Women's Empowerment Vivienne Gunning - Hospitality Training
    The hospitality training offered by Vivienne Gunning is designed to assist current homestay owners and potential candidates in providing excellent customer service to guests while recognising and respecting cultural differences. Cultural sensitivity and awareness are crucial aspects of the homestay industry, and the training focuses on ways to implement them in practice. Homestay owners should take the time to research and understand the local culture and customs in the area where their homestay is located, including the local language, customs, traditions, and religious practices. With this knowledge, they can adjust their service by offering culturally appropriate food and beverages, removing or adding prayer mats or religious texts, and informing guests about cultural activities or experiences. Homestay owners should also be open to feedback from their guests and be willing to adjust their service to meet their guests' needs. Network and hiring local staff familiar with the local culture and customs can also help homestay owners provide their guests with a more culturally sensitive experience. Homestay owners can participate in cultural exchange programs to learn more about different cultures and share their cultures with guests.
    Cultural sensitivity and awareness are a continuous learning process, and homestay owners should continuously learn and adapt their service to meet guests' needs while celebrating their cultural heritage.
  • Verification Letter For Fundraising Efforts; IVHQ

    Verification Letter for fundraising efforts; IVHQ
    Verification Letter for fundraising efforts; IVHQ. I will facilitate a one to two-month course with local homestay owners or women interested in starting a homestay.