Adventures of the Osa Peninsula through a Photographic Lens

Stella McCormack Start Date: Jan 17, 2018 - End Date: Feb 14, 2018
  • Costa Rica

My Travel Story

by: Stella McCormack Start Date: Jan 17, 2018 - End Date: Feb 14, 2018
I am thrilled to be a part of this excursion. As part of a group, I will have the opportunity to explore a very remote area of Costa Rica, The Osa Pennsula. As one of the most biologically intense places in the world, I am privileged and beyond thankful for this experience.

There I will be able to visit Corcovado Park, an extremely biodiverse tropical region, containing 2.5% of the world's biodiversity! Along with hiking through coastal,  rainforest and river habitats, I will be taking ecology lessons at the research basecamp. I will also experience Shinrin Yoku, a concept of healing by taking in the forest. In addition, I will visit Cano Island, claimed a Biological Reserve due to it's unique flora, fauna and  marine life. Further exploration of the Golfo Dulce will allow for incredible marine life exploration and specific concentration toward whale, dolphin and shark ecology. We will assist the local conservation organization in conducting research, surveys and snorkel-dive data collection. Lastly, I will have the opportunity to stay at Luna Lodge, a 60 acre retreat lodge of which 75% is virgin rainforest. I will participate in service projects teaching local school children about nutrition and conservation. We will visit a turtle hatchery and also build a eco-trail through the forest. To truly be submerged during the day and night in this unique, biodiverse land is a lifetime experience that will forever affect my life experiences going forward. 

I will document this trip with my brand new GoPro that I received as a gift for this purpose. I will attempt to show the amazing wildlife in the rainforest, the marine life in the gulf and the lifestyle and culture of the native people. I will show the ways in which conservation efforts are making a difference in the survival of what makes this area of our world so special. The collaborative collection of photos, videos and journal entries will be presented to my school and community upon my return.

My goal is to take in and truly connect with the people of this country and experience their respect for nature. I hope to be able to view the various efforts made toward conservation and bring such ideas back to America. I intend to continue studies in environmental science and someday combine my knowledge with law so that the lands and living creatures of such land can continue to exist and survive in the future. They need protection and we should make it a priority to's a priority for me!
  • Costa Rica


  • Thank You Uncle Robert For My First Contribution!! Xo

    I haven't figured out where to properly acknowledge contributions...stay tuned :)