Send Chris to IRIS Ministry School in California!
My Travel Story
I have been invited to go to the IRIS Ministry School in California in august this year. I believe that God wants me to go, and I am trusting for his provision! The School is a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led, hands-on, in the dirt, evangelistic missions training school, where I will be taught how to be a missionary, and how to win souls for God!
The School is for those who have a clear call to missions, and trains up, equips and sends out radical laid down lovers of Jesus who carry the Kingdom of God to the ends of the earth. The school teaches us how we can articulate and live these core values out in any situation we face. The school is full of students who daily experience the transforming love and power of God and is where the power of the Holy Spirit and resources of God’s Kingdom are released to reach every need both spiritual and physical. At the school students learn how to release God’s love in practical ways infused with His power and how to bring the good news to the poor, look after the widows, heal the sick, bring freedom to the captives, who stop for the one and believe for the multitudes.
The schools vision can be summed up in a few words: CALLED TO LOVE. It costs everything. It’s passion and compassion. Extravagant love that gives without expecting back. A laid down life. A love that looks like something practically. It’s a huge vision that is changing the world person by person and nation by nation.
Matthew 9:36-38: “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
I am so excited about going to this IRIS Global school!!! Your help would be greatly appreciated and a blessing to many others around the world too!! I thank you in advance and pray that God pours out his blessing on you, more than you could ever imagine and fathom!!
Love all of you guys, as my Daddy God loves you!!!
More Travel Information
Campaign Ended
$ 0 USD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 4,602 USD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Airfare/ International Flights
$ 1,440
Program Fee
$ 3,000
Passport/ Visa/ Residence Permit
$ 162