Becoming an archaeologist of the future! Science, archaeology

Anastasia Khramtsova Start Date: Mar 19, 2017 - End Date: May 22, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Грузия
  • Vardzia, Imereti, Грузия

My Travel Story

by: Anastasia Khramtsova Start Date: Mar 19, 2017 - End Date: May 22, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
My dear friends! As you understood from the title I'm a young scholar, who work very hard on understanding our past. Honestly, archaeology is my greatest passion, that's why from my early childhood I was always wondering about ancient tombs and collected "artefacts" from children's playground (yes, I thought these artefacts are ancient).
Currently I am an undergraduate student of Chair of Archaeology in Moscow State University. Particularly, my research issue is studying ritual hoards of our ancestors during the Stone Age. They created such unexplained deposits, covered them with ochre and tried to burn it in fire. That's one of the most interesting rituals, which I'm trying to understand: why did they do that? What was the meaning of these "hoards" (maybe, the gift for gods/totems?). And right now I'm dreaming about the presentation of my elaborations to professors from University of Oxford and Venice at the International conference in Georgia.
As a student, unfortunately, I can't afford to go there, and my university doesn't fund scientific trips. So I ask you for a help with all my heart. If you donate to my campaign, you will help not only me, but also the science.
I know, this conference is my chance to show to European scientific society results of my work for more than 5 years and begin to collaborate with foreign scholars, removing bondaries and spreading scientific elaborations all over the world!
Thanks for your attention.
Sincerely yours,
Anastasia Khramtsova
  • Грузия
  • Vardzia, Imereti, Грузия


  • An Important Step!

    An important step!
    My dear friends, I've already sent my abstract to a Conference Comittee, and they confirmed my participation! Well, there's just one tiny issue left - fund my travel:)

Adventure Registry

  • money for new scientific books

    € 100
  • savings from my scholarship

    € 50