Study Aroad!

Jordan Turner Start Date: Mar 1, 2018 - End Date: Apr 9, 2018
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Barcelona, Spain

My Travel Story

by: Jordan Turner Start Date: Mar 1, 2018 - End Date: Apr 9, 2018
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
Dear Friends and Family,

This summer, I have plans to travel to Barcelona, Spain for a month to fulfill my study abroad requirement for my honors minor at SDSU. This requirement is in place to give students global experience as well as forcing us to step out of our comfort zones and learn in a different environment. It is an amazing opportunity and I am beyond excited to embark on this journey. I will be attending the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. It is an “Intensive Language Summer” program. I am currently working three different jobs and attending school full-time. I am on schedule to graduate on time (next spring 2019). I am doing everything I can to try to make sure it is possible for me to study abroad so that I can graduate on time. I have also applied for several scholarships and hopefully, I’ll be rewarded money to cover the cost. I am seeking financial support to cover the cost of my tuition and room and board.  I appreciate any donation that you can make to cover these costs. I have attached a link to the program that I will hopefully be able to attend so that you can preview some of the amazing things that I will be a part of while abroad. I chose Barcelona because I wanted to participate in a program in a Spanish-speaking country. My goal is to be fluent in Spanish by the time I enter the workforce. This program specifically focuses on the Spanish language, as all of the classes are taught in Spanish. I will be staying with a host family so I’ll be very immersed in the Spanish culture, which I am thrilled about. The total cost of the program is $4,980. I need to pay the fee before April 10, 2018, so I have about a month and a half to come up with the money.
Again, I appreciate any monetary support that you can provide.

  • Barcelona, Spain