Becca volunteers to learn Babies in Belize!
My Travel Story
intensive care nurse in countries of Central America. From the
birth experience through recovery in a hospital, and on into life at
home, I hope to become a major support for the nutrition, home
safety and developmental progress for these families and medical
teams. Bringing a child home after an intensive-care hospital stay is
difficult for any family, and many babies even in the US fail to
thrive in the weeks following discharge.
Ultimatley, some time from now, I hope for a nitch where I can
care for infants as a nurse from pregnancy to following these tiny
graduates to their often challenging home environments to help
families set up a successful transition into family life.
First I must become culturally sensitive and gain competence in
what is medically typical in Central America, plus in what a parent
knows and expects. The Toucan Education Programs in Belize
( offers me this opportunity, while at the same time,
it being a uniquely English speaking country, I can focus on asking
questions and fully understanding the answers. (Duolingo tells me I
am 67% fluent in espanol). This seems like a great first step toward
real-izing this idea and becoming of value to any community.
Thank you for your support. Even tiny amounts are much appreciated.
~~Becca Titus, RN, NICU
My Fund Raising Is Closed As Of Today, May 9th.
Today is May 9. Although I do not know about my Anonymous Donor, I believe all my Donors are Moms. Mother's Day was yesterday. Thank You Mother's who shared your wealth with me for this endeavor in Belize. I really needed just a little more for this trip and you donated double my goal! I was going to worry about getting home later, but now my round trip airfare is paid for.... my relief is immense as this trip is otherwise taking everything I have. I'll keep you and on facebook in general. Please check my posts from time to time. I will have connectivity most of the time, and post from my phone, photos and all. I just don't know a better way to do it. Thanks again. -
Half Way There!
THANK YOU to 3 wonderful donors for your generous donations toward my airline ticket to Belize. I'm already half way to this goal! I've not tried fund raising before and my gratitude is hard to express adequately. Thank you!
Campaign Ended
$ 423 USD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 250 USD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Airfare/ International Flights
$ 250
In Partnership with:
Toucan Education Programs Limited
Lucy and Jack Funded $ 25 USD
May 10, 2016 -
Jane Hunnicutt Funded $ 13 USD
May 07, 2016 -
Anonymous Funded $ 200 USD
May 07, 2016 -
Catherine Ednie Funded $ 50 USD
May 06, 2016 -
Natalie Ednie Funded $ 100 USD
May 01, 2016 -
Sondra Daly Funded $ 25 USD
Apr 30, 2016 -
Lorisue Funded $ 10 USD
Apr 30, 2016