Love of the seas

Love Of the Seas Start Date: Nov 23, 2021 - End Date: Dec 14, 2021
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Vacation/Personal Trip

My Travel Story

by: Love Of the Seas Start Date: Nov 23, 2021 - End Date: Dec 14, 2021
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Vacation/Personal Trip
Sometimes when life hurts, miracles happen that make us find peace, that peace that when you close your eyes, you feel that you have come home, to your home ... those moments where everything becomes one.
Love of the Seas is a story that comes into our lives without looking for it, only without wanting to want to, it happens, it goes on projecting, building ... yearning more and more for the meeting, the return home ...
Great distances keep us away, deep seas seem to get in the way ... but instead of seeing them as obstacles we take it as an opportunity.
Chance? Those who are reading us would think ... Yes, we take it that way because we feel that it is not only about us but about everyone.
Everyone in life somehow we find great seas that stand between our deep desires and the reality that seems to show itself. We have to cross this sea and you? What is your sea?

Between the time differences where day and night seem to come together in a single instant, we realized that something deeper seems to unite us, connect us and it is the desire to create a synergy of forces where we can all cross seas and cross mountains to achieve what we want. , that for which our heart beats intensely.

We also want to help you, in case you find yourself at this moment crossing seas that you may not be able to cross. Maybe you also know of someone and want to give it to them. We offer you this therapeutic tool to apply it on yourself or on others.
Our mission is to co-create a collaborative synergy between all of us, where you support us and we support you.
Our project is to undertake a journey, to join forces to our work that we have to do and for that we need to cross those seas.
The proposal is that with your collaboration in this project you can also take this work material for yourself.
And how does the song say "We are a tide of people, All different, Rowing to the same beat"

Clarification: Master Frequencies, it is a quantum working tool for personal development.
It consists of an Application Manual and two series of codes.
Our purpose is to reach $ 3000 to add to the expenses that we have already been assuming.
To make it fair for all of us, we choose that all contributions received:
Less than $ 50 will be sent:
* One Manual and Series I
Over $ 50
* One Manual and Series I and II
Over $ 100
* Online Workshop (together) on Master Frequencies and applications of Christic Codes

For any questions you can contact the following email!

Thank you cheering for being part of @somosconnetion @loveoftheseas