Funding for Eco Friendly resort
My Travel Story
How can you indulge without being self-indulgent? This eco resort will be self sufficient with solar power,to water treatment and gardening.
A natural glorious place to sleep, but it's also providing jobs to the locals which in turn benefits the economy, which thereby keeps resort developers at bay.
This resort will be a small enough project but large enough to support its guests. This has been something that has gained interest with me over the years. While it will also teach the guests about self sustainability it will also create some local jobs and training. While I'm a building contractor now ,I know the development of the buildings will be the easiest task but locating the right location will be the most difficult. I've lost a tremendous amount of interest in the building trade and have been seeking new adventure in eco friendly living and tourism . It will be giving me a new opportunity at operating a new business for myself while teaching the locals skills and providing jobs. I have choose 1 of these 3 locations as a good area where they welcome business owners with good incentives in eco friendly buildings and tourism. The climate is also warm and comfortable all year round. Which will be great for all year round traveling and good for agriculture. It will be a great location for travelers of all types. From solo travelers to families with children. Close to a watering hole or a beautiful cascade to cool off in. A safe haven place for all to enjoy. A place for travelers on a budget since this will be eco friendly it will allow for cheaper rates. With many activities going on throughout the day it will make a fun and enjoyable experience.
Donation incentives for after development is completed:
$1,000 or more will include 5 night stay, breakfast included and 1 activity per day for 2 adults and 2 children.
$500 will include 3 night stay breakfast and 1 activity for 2 adults and 2 children .
$250 include 3 night stay for 1 adult breakfast included.
Campaign Ended
$ 0 USD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 100,000 USD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
$ 100,000
Donor Rewards
250 USD
3 night stay with breakfast included for 1 adult
500 USD
$500 or more will include 3night stay, breakfast included and 1 activity per day for 2 adults and 2 children.
1,000 USD
$1,000 or more will include 5 night stay, breakfast included and 1 activity per day for 2 adults and 2 children.