Be a girl with dreams that becomes a woman with vision - MEDICAL TREK NEPAL
My Travel Story
So hey guys, I know this page would be in English, but I hope you give yourself 5 minutes to check this out and read though the whole text.
I beg you in the name of all the children and invalids that are out there in the Himalayan region of Nepal.
As some of you already know, I ´m going to volunteer for the Medical Trek in Nepal, taking part in March 2015. I love to help other people and give them back their original health and smile. When I was a child I always had the dream to make a change, to make the world a better one. So growing older you become more realistic and perceive your naiveté.
But like David Mitchell said in the movie “Cloud Atlas”: “My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”
The Medical trek is the possibility to be exactly one drop and I really wanna shed this. Nepal is still a country, where people often are suffering years from illnesses that could easily be cured with basic medical care.
One of the biggest problems is the way to get to hospital. Many villagers have no money to take the bus to a city or even have to walk a few days to the nearest road.
Just imagine you are ill, broke your leg or feeling dizzy, and then instead of just rushing in car or calling the ambulance you´re forced to walk several kilometers first. It´s hard to imagine for western civilization and also an impossible way for these villagers.
The medical trek is a chance to bring the medical to them! We set up a medical camp for three days in each area to treat men, women, and children of rural Nepal. That doesn´t mean the well- served and high- touristic Everest or Annapurna regions, it really means helping in the heart of Nepal- off the beaten path- unspoiled by modern globalization.
The whole trek means western doctors and nurses are working together with Nepali staff. Everyone shares the work like a bunch of friends working together to help others. The work will be hard every single day. Around 300 invalids are coming every day which makes around 1000 villagers per trek that can´t be refused because they have walked for days to see us.
Apart from supporting and helping these Nepali I´m fascinated by the magic of Nepal. I haven´t been there yet but my mother told me since my childhood about this mystical and beautiful country. I always was a girl adventuring the world who is driven by travelling and trekking. Nepal sounds the perfect destination to go next!
So I really wanna beg you to help funding my travel. How often do you buy something to eat although you aren´t hungry and even feel fat and uncomfortable afterwards? How often you go shopping with friends and buy a new T- shirt although you have nearly the same already? How often you buy a beer or some other alcoholic drink although you know it doesn´t make you happier? And how often we all talk about the dark sides of the world, people suffering, and the injustice of the world community? But the question is how often we really ACT?
This compaign is not a missionary attempt it´s just a little appeal to donate some euros. This little amount of money will give me the chance to cure people with simple medical measures. I know I´m not yet a doctor or an EMT, but through my last two internships I collected a lot of experiences- social and medical. Imagine 300 villagers each day… so every social heart is more than needed.
The program fee is for paying the porters as the highest trained physician on the trek and all the stuff that is needed to set up a tended medical clinic.
So I thank you first of all that you´ve read read the whole text till the end. And I really hope you will give these villagers your support!
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Laura Becker
DE35 7635 0000 1060 3512 79 IBAN
Danke an alle
More Travel Information
Campaign Ended
€ 1.050
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
€ 1.800
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Airfare/ International Flights
€ 600
Program Fee
€ 1.200
Clausi Funded € 50 EUR
Jan 15, 2015 -
Hans-Joachim Behn Funded € 50 EUR
Dec 20, 2014 -
Anne Pichler Funded € 30 EUR
Dec 18, 2014 -
Gela und Harald Funded € 50 EUR
Dec 10, 2014 -
Anne und Rainer Funded € 50 EUR
Dec 02, 2014 -
Anonymous Funded € 50 EUR
Nov 26, 2014 -
Stefan Funded € 250 EUR
Nov 11, 2014 -
Anonymous Funded € 100 EUR
Nov 08, 2014 -
Manfred Funded € 250 EUR
Nov 06, 2014 -
Susa Funded € 10 EUR
Nov 05, 2014 -
Till Funded € 80 EUR
Nov 04, 2014 -
Anna Funded € 10 EUR
Nov 03, 2014 -
Tom Funded € 10 EUR
Nov 03, 2014 -
Illy Funded € 10 EUR
Nov 03, 2014 -
Stefan Funded € 20 EUR
Nov 01, 2014 -
Fabi Funded € 10 EUR
Nov 01, 2014 -
Anonymous Funded € 20 EUR
Nov 01, 2014