A Spring Break Mission Trip!
My Travel Story
This Spring, I am going to Orlando, Florida, with my team. After living in Spain for four months, I am excited to see what the Lord will do in the United States. This will be my fourth mission trip. The first two times were in New York City and Atlanta, Georgia. In both instances, I saw God's glory in the people around me and the opportunities that He put in front of me. Though I was nervous, I grabbed hold of those opportunites like they were one million dollars. The cool thing about this is that I was in the United States when I had the most exciting moments of interpreting Spanish for the Lord. I don't have to cross the ocean to share the gospel and the reckless love of God. I have opportunites wherever I go.
I tell you all this so you can understand how excited I am about going to Orlando in March. We are going to be helping with restoration of houses that were damaged from the hurricane. Plus, we are going to Disney World on the last day, so that'll be cool.
Thank you so much for reading SUPER long essay. I would really appreciate it if you could donate at least $10. I'm hoping to earn $650 in total (including other fundraising) by March 7. Thank you so much!
Seeking God In Orlando Blog
Hey! Because of the positive feedback I received about my study abroad blog, I'm going to write a week-long blog for this mission trip. I hope you follow along on the adventure! I can't wait to see what God has for our team in Orlando! Here's the link! https://seekinggodinorlando2020.blogspot.com/
More Travel Information
Campaign Ended
$ 250 USD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 473 USD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Program Fee
$ 450
FundMyTravel Site Fee
$ 23
Sandra Funded $ 50 USD
Feb 04, 2020 -
Daddy Funded $ 100 USD
Jan 31, 2020 -
Steve and Janet Guttenberg Funded $ 100 USD
Jan 25, 2020