Big Apple Dream: NYC Adventure with My Argentine Wife

Jerry Nelson Start Date: Feb 18, 2024 - End Date: Nov 17, 2024
  • New York City, NY, United States of America

My Travel Story

by: Jerry Nelson Start Date: Feb 18, 2024 - End Date: Nov 17, 2024
Welcome to Our Dream Journey!

Hello, dear friends, family, and fellow travel enthusiasts! We are embarking on a heartwarming and exhilarating adventure, one that has been on our bucket list since the day we met: taking my beloved Argentine wife to experience the vibrant energy, stunning sights, and melting pot culture of New York City for the very first time!

Why New York City?

New York City is more than just a travel destination; it's a global landmark where dreams are pursued, and memories are made. From the iconic Statue of Liberty to the majestic Central Park, the bustling streets of Times Square to the artistic alleys of Brooklyn, NYC promises an endless array of experiences, cultures, and stories. My wife has always dreamed of soaking in the city's electric atmosphere, savoring its diverse cuisines, and standing amidst its towering skyscrapers, feeling the pulse of the city that never sleeps.

Our Dream, Our Journey

This trip is a celebration of love, dreams, and the joy of exploration. It's about creating unforgettable memories together, experiencing the world's diversity, and sharing the magic of discovery with the love of my life. We plan to immerse ourselves in the city's rich history, explore its renowned museums, enjoy Broadway shows, and perhaps, find that quaint little café that feels like it's straight out of a movie scene.

How You Can Help

We are reaching out to you, our incredible community of friends, family, and kindred spirits, to be a part of our journey. Your support will help us cover the costs of flights, accommodation, daily excursions, and those once-in-a-lifetime experiences that New York City has to offer. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to making this dream a reality.

$50 can help us enjoy a romantic dinner at a classic NYC diner.
$100 can cover tickets to a mesmerizing Broadway show.
$200 can support our stay, letting us rest and recharge for another day of adventure.
Join Us on This Adventure

By supporting our campaign, you're not just helping us tick off a dream destination; you're weaving yourself into the fabric of our journey. We promise to share every step of this adventure with you through photos, stories, and heartfelt gratitude. Let's make this dream trip a reality and show that love and dreams know no borders.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering our campaign. Every share, contribution, and word of encouragement means the world to us.

Let's make this NYC dream come true together!

  • New York City, NY, United States of America