Corbin TAKES on ASIA
My Travel Story
I am beyond excited about taking on this adventure. I will be leaving on February 2 and will be gone until May! I am hoping to start up a blog while I am there for everyone to keep up and be a part of my life changeing journey.
My parents have tasked me with trying to support 50% of the expense so I have been saving from tips but I am now asking for families and friends to help if you can spare $1.
Only 2 more months of high school and then I am off! Once I return I will be attending ASU (Arizona State University) in the Fall. Go SunDevils
Campaign Ended
$ 575 USD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 7,875 USD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Airfare/ International Flights
$ 2,500
$ 5,000
FundMyTravel Site Fee
$ 375
In Partnership with:
ARCC Programs
Scott Zothner Funded $ 250 USD
Dec 07, 2018 -
Nancy Arinder Funded $ 75 USD
Nov 30, 2018 -
John E. Burgess Funded $ 100 USD
Oct 30, 2018 -
Stacie Funded $ 50 USD
Oct 27, 2018 -
Kim Whitson Funded $ 50 USD
Oct 27, 2018 -
Karen Curtis Funded $ 50 USD
Oct 27, 2018