Love Needs No Translation

Global Advocates Start Date: Jul 4, 2015 - End Date: Aug 1, 2015
  • Watamu, Kenya

My Travel Story

by: Global Advocates Start Date: Jul 4, 2015 - End Date: Aug 1, 2015

In August, a group of Child & Youth Workers (David, Krystal, Amber and Michael) will be returning to Kenya to do global advocacy work. The more money we raise, the more good things we can do for the community. Please help us make a difference in the world.

** All personal expenses (flights, visa, accomodation, vaccinations, etc) are paid for out of our own pockets. All funds received via this online campaign will be used to benefit the sweet people of Watamu (ex: pay for a child's education, buy groceries for a family in need, etc). **

  • Watamu, Kenya


  • 101%

    we have surpassed our goal in only twelve days -- we are 101% funded. we are truly overwhelmed by your support. only 20 days left until departure & we couldn't be more excited. we have so many wonderful plans for the funds raised thus far. for starters, we are definitely buying a few months worth of groceries (flour, rice, powdered milk, meats, produce) for the family we built a house for last year. we're going to make a surprise visit & load them up with all the necessities. secondly, we intend to pay for a child's (or possibly several children's) school fees once we get down there. as well, we hope to buy shelter supplies for various agencies in the community of watamu. we promise to keep you updated on all the great things we do with these funds. asante sana!
  • Gratitude

    holy mac! we are more than halfway to our online goal of $1000! thank you for donating, sending words of encouragement/support, & sharing this link. it means the world to us. we couldn't do the work that we do without the support of our friends & family. so much gratitude for each & every one of you. asante sana.