Send me to Japan! ♥

Kenzie Fraser Start Date: Aug 24, 2018 - End Date: May 23, 2019

My Travel Story

by: Kenzie Fraser Start Date: Aug 24, 2018 - End Date: May 23, 2019
Japan is a truly beautiful country, isn't it? Since a young age, I have dreamed of visiting the amazing 'land of the rising sun'. About a year or so ago, I found a website: AFS. AFS is an exchange program that takes students abroad. The problem? A year-long high school exchange to Japan costs $15,900. Coming from a low-income family of six, that price is laughably high for something that most would call 'unnecessary'. Though it may sound selfish, I would absolutely love to go immerse myself in the Japanese culture. If you have an extra dollar or two, and you can understand where I'm coming from, maybe you could help me out a bit? Even if you opt not to, I'm grateful that you've read my message. If you do donate, though, I can't even state how happy your generosity makes me. Thank you so much for reading and considering!