International Youth Peace Conference on Climate Change
My Travel Story
We are reaching out to the fundmytravel community for support, to help cover the costs of our participation at this youth conference. Rather than set up over 30 funding profiles, we have decided to group together, share our networks and collectively raise funds together to cover part of our conference fee. We are aged between 16-25 and come from countries across all continents including: Fiji, Mexico, Egypt, India, Nepal, Uganda, Sierra Leone, USA, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Mali, Gambia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Turkey, Germany, Iceland, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, & Wales - to name a few.
Our overall goal is to promote a spirit of mutual learning and respect with the view to making this a safer more equitable world for everyone. This conference offers us a unique opportunity to meet with climate experts and researchers, collaborate with other engaged young people from around the world, gain first hand experience in the critical skill of climate change communication and - we hope - generate the ideas and networks to help turn climate change knowledge in climate change action.
Participant testimonials:
Gakii Kaburu - Kenya
"As a young lawyer, I am keen and curious on how I could use my legal skill set to effect climate change in my country Kenya, my continent Africa and as a global citizen. I think policy and laws have a huge and direct impact on how people conduct themselves and their businesses. This conference and the various workshops will be a great eye-opener in this regard. I also look forward to meeting and interacting with like-minded young people and having in-depth discussions on what climate change actions we each can take individually in support of the greater cause".
Erin Mireille Castro Cruz - Mexico
"I feel a great responsibility to contribute to our world. Apathy is our greatest enemy and the only way we are going to make a difference is by joining the cause to preserve our environment and combat the climate change, because we only have one world and it´s the time to save it".
Collins Gameli Hodoli - Ghana
"It is established that the effects of climate change will be worse in the developing countries which implies that most of the countries in Africa will be affected. This requires passionate young leaders with the spirit of volunteerism to create public awareness and also draw the attention of policy makers to develop and implement appropriate policies to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change. Having come from Africa, I understand that civil war and political instability are impediments to our growth and development. As a young leader, I would like to educate the populace on the values of peace and why we need to embrace the beauty in the diversity of our culture to build a sustainable and better Africa!".
Fanta Kaba Jawara - Gambia
"Climate Change and Peace are two of the few things I'm interested in as they are important issues which affect our world especially where effective leaders are lacking. I wish to attend this conference in order to gain more insight from experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the subject matter as well as from the other participants in order to come up with solutions to these world problems".
Fares Osama Ahmed Salem - Egypt
"We have to study climate change to be able to rescue Earth from danger, .... I want to learn more about this field and meet people that may illuminate my mind more and help me in building solutions and be more creative in my Graduation Project".
Zehra Nihan Alınca - Turkey
"Because communication and sharing ideas are the keys to solve the problems".
Benjamin Gow - UK
"Since I was 18 years old, I have been a part of the refugee volunteering world. I now run a Micro-Loan project that helps Syrians to start their own businesses, rebuild their lives and become more independent and self-reliant".
Siska Fannita - Indonesia
This conference will help my involvement in my community which focuses on Climate Change campaign and education. As an alumni of Youth Leadership of Climate Change that was organized by UNESCO, I do believe it will enhance my understanding in getting involve for the next following project in my city, Medan, Indonesia. Climate Change has become major problem to concern with nowadays that been impacting the earth and viability. Moreover, Norway is a great country to discover more related to the climate prevention and adaptation that later can be exemplified in my country, Indonesia.Thus, I will be blessed if I can participate and learn many acquintances through this event. -
Asher Gammon - UK
Hello! I'm Asher. I live in Hull, UK, and I'm currently studying for a Master's in Peace and Development Studies. My main reason for applying to attend the IYPC is to broaden my knowledge and network with people who are also dreaming up creative solutions for a sustainable future. With my studies I know I could offer a strong contribution to the conference. As I am yet to decide what to focus my final paper on for my masters, I am looking for inspiration at the IYPC.
IYPC is an opportunity for myself to meet with similar people from all around the globe, and be part of this creative network of like minded people. Also to build on my academic research, and work as a participatory action researcher. What I learn at the IYPC I will to take back to my community and university and share the knowledge with them. Thank you,
More Travel Information
Campaign Ended
kr 1,000
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
kr 265,703
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
kr 162,000
Special Courses/ Language Programs
kr 54,000
International Youth Peace Concert Ticket
kr 19,500
Local Travel Expenses
kr 17,550
FundMyTravel Site Fee
kr 12,653
Donor Rewards
100 NOK
Thank you email and conference group photo.
500 NOK
Personal email of thanks from one of the conference participants + conference group photo.
1,000 NOK
Postcard of thanks from Norway, from one of the conference participants + conference group photo via email.
5,000 NOK
A personal, dedicated video recording of thanks from one of the participants + a postcard from Norway.
In Partnership with:
International Youth Peace Conference Climate Change
Otelie Funded kr 100 NOK
Oct 03, 2017 -
Anonymous Funded kr 100 NOK
Oct 03, 2017 -
Johanne Funded kr 100 NOK
Oct 03, 2017 -
Maja Paulsen Funded kr 100 NOK
Oct 02, 2017 -
Anonymous Funded kr 500 NOK
Sep 14, 2017 -
Anonymous Funded kr 100 NOK
Aug 27, 2017