Click here to help Indian farmers with Permaculture.

Brad Barber Start Date: Oct 28, 2016 - End Date: Feb 24, 2017
  • Hyderabad, Telangana, India

My Travel Story

by: Brad Barber Start Date: Oct 28, 2016 - End Date: Feb 24, 2017
It's estimated that in the past decade 250,000 Indian farmers have taken their own lives, usually to escape severe financial pressure from loan sharks. Monsanto dominates seed supply in rural India, and their hybrid seeds don't yield any seeds for next year's planting, forcing farmers to buy seed each season. As well as that Monsanto hybrid crops are prone to attack from many fronts, requiring farmers to spray pesticides and herbicides, manufactured and supplied by you know who - Monsanto.

Farmers are often forced into dealing with loan sharks and paying high interest to finance each years crop.

This January i will be travelling to India to help design and implement a permaculture project on a widow’s farm land. These projects are functional permaculture model farms that inspire other villagers about the possibilities. I particulalry like that the project is an Indian initiative, driven by Indians, and using Indian women as agents of change.

When it’s all over, farmers (who didn’t even know it was possible) end up with a self-sustainable plot.

Read more details here:

I have started trying to raise funds for my trip to India. If you or anyone you know can help with even the smallest amount i will be eternally grateful. I'm not sure what 'rewards' i can offer donors, but i'd like to give you the opportunity to support me in gaining experience and information which i will bring back and share with everyone.

Perhaps the knowledge that you are helping make an Indian widow's life more resilient and abundant will do. Or that it will enable me to gain valuable knowledge and experience as well as qualification in Advanced Skills in Applied Permaculture Design and Rural Development. I'll have more of a think about what i can offer donors.

Thanks for checking it out! If you know anyone else who might be interested, please forward this info along to them.
  • Hyderabad, Telangana, India


  • Thanks For Donating

    hi there,
    just a brief update to thank you all for donating. The campaign is now nearly one third funded. i really appreciate your generosity.

    I've set up a Facebook group which is where all the posts from my time in India will be going.

    Please have a look and share with your networks.

    Thanks again, cheers, brad
  • Deposit Raised!

    Deposit Raised!
    thanks to everyone who has donated/shared so far. I'm very humbled and a little overwhelmed. i have just used the money raised so far to pay my deposit! Woohoo!