A Storytelling Night in Israel/Palestine
My Travel Story
Four years ago I started telling stories. I found a hidden gem in the East of Amsterdam called Mezrab, a storytelling centre owned by an Iranian family. Here I learned to express myself, to connect with people and broaden my horizon. It made me the person I am today, a storyteller and a writer. Last year I went to Israel/Palestine
with a group of storytellers to conduct a workshop in a small Arab town in the North of Haifa and I met people that changed my life.
The Arab communities that live between the borders of Israel are rarely covered by the media, which contributes to the lack of international awareness about them. Provided an Israeli passport, they are technically equalised (on a level of citizenship) yet, not treated equitably. To their experience, discrimination and segregation is part of their daily lives. Due to social and economic isolation as well as absence of a concrete national identity, these groups are separated from each other on many levels. From Haifa, in the north, to the Negev/Naqab desert in the south of Israel/Palestine, one can observe substantial gaps between the different Arab communities, in economy, education, language, religion and political engagement.
The idea was planted in our minds and we continued talking about it with our newly made friends. We talked for hours about identity, integration and other social issues important to everyone in the current generation. Everyone has a different way of handling these issues, expressing it through different forms of escapism most of the time.
Coming from a background as the granddaughter of a Turkish labour migrant,
I recognized a lot in their struggles to find a balance in preserving your traditions, culture and shaping your identity in the process. I found comfort in being with like minded people and sharing experiences with them through storytelling. I want to share this feeling and enhance dialogue between the young, more active and creative members of these communities by providing them the methodological approach and the narrative tools of storytelling.
So exciting! Twenty more of these updates and I will reach my goal. To everyone that donated so far, THANK YOU! You are all <3
More Travel Information
Campaign Ended
€ 408
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
€ 2.650
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
€ 1.500
Airfare/ International Flights
€ 250
Local Travel Expenses
€ 600
Luggage and Equipment
€ 300
Donor Rewards
25 EUR
Thank you very much! We will thank you even more on our social media channels!
50 EUR
We really appreciate this! You will receive a short personal story from me while traveling.
100 EUR
Yas! You will receive a half hour show in your livingroom, live or via skype, by one of the storytellers
250 EUR
You will be mentioned as sponsor on the storytelling night +receive the video of the performances AND a private show .
esther kornalijnslijper Funded € 50 EUR
Sep 24, 2017 -
Anonymous Funded € 100 EUR
Sep 17, 2017 -
Ilya Brodsky Funded € 25 EUR
Sep 13, 2017 -
Dimitrios Stathis Funded € 5 EUR
Sep 08, 2017 -
Angèl Ruyter Funded € 25 EUR
Sep 04, 2017 -
Anonymous Funded € 10 EUR
Sep 02, 2017 -
Ryan Millar Funded € 25 EUR
Sep 01, 2017 -
Ani cristina miceta Funded € 10 EUR
Sep 01, 2017 -
Duco van der Burg Funded € 50 EUR
Aug 31, 2017 -
Anonymous Funded € 7 EUR
Aug 24, 2017 -
kg Funded € 51 EUR
Aug 22, 2017 -
Eda Funded € 40 EUR
Aug 10, 2017 -
Anonymous Funded € 10 EUR
Aug 10, 2017