Ryan's Thailand Service Trip
My Travel Story
I'm really excited about this upcoming experience and the opportunity I will have to make a positive impact in the lives of others. I want to create a change that I can be proud of and I'm so excited to have the oppritunity to do so! Immersing myself in this experience will also expose me to an entirely different world and culture - one that will help me grow as an individual for years to come.
By helping families in this rural Thai village, I will be able to generate a lifetime of positive change and give me a new understanding of compassion and philanthropy. I appreciate any donations, even if its just kind words and support :) Thank you! I can't wait to get started!
Campaign Ended
$ 2,000 USD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 3,795 USD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Program Fee
$ 3,795
In Partnership with:
Barbara Blood Funded $ 100 USD
Jun 22, 2018 -
Don and Teresa Doran Funded $ 200 USD
Jun 20, 2018 -
Renee Funded $ 75 USD
Jun 19, 2018 -
Valerie Harris Funded $ 50 USD
Jun 08, 2018 -
William Ip Funded $ 300 USD
Jun 06, 2018 -
Annette Elashkar Funded $ 175 USD
May 20, 2018 -
Tamara Funded $ 400 USD
May 20, 2018 -
Roger & Karen Blood Funded $ 500 USD
Apr 26, 2018 -
The Pasqualino's & Nathan Funded $ 200 USD
Apr 23, 2018