Want to help me get to Peru to volunteer in the Amazon ?!
My Travel Story
Doing a trip based around volunteering and giving back to a specidifc cause has always been an interest but I never knew where to start.
I came across these trips with Bamba not long ago when a rep came into my work and did a presentation on the trips, I was instantly captured and intruiged.
I have decided to do the Voluntour trip to the Amazon working at the Taricaya Ecological Reserve, helping with daily activities related to the conservation of the Amazon Rainforest and its unique wildlife, under the guidance of the staff of trained biologists and local nature experts.
I am very drawn to places that are less traveled than others, the real culture shockers and completely different destinations and helping preserve these beautiful parts of the world is very special.
I beleive this trip would be life changing for both myself as a person and my career. I am constantly aware of how very fortunate I am for where I live and the opportunities I have been lucky enough to have, I want to see and experience the other side of the spectrum first hand and give back to something so very important.
I am hoping to do this trip in 2018 and would love to raise some money to help fulfill this and also to take some donations with me on my travel for the organisation I am visiting.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! x
Campaign Ended
$ 10 AUD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 2,100 AUD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Volunteer Tour
$ 2,000
FundMyTravel Site Fee
$ 100
In Partnership with:
Bamba Experience
Abbie Funded $ 10 AUD
Jul 12, 2017