Invest in Africa's future
My Travel Story
The event will take place from 16-18 March 2018. We are hoping to show case our business idea to revolutionize waste management starting from Africa.
Venue Change!! From Tunis To Shangai
Given the distance, time and cost of competing in the Tunis Regional Event, the Hult Prize has graciously accepted our request to rather compete in the Shanghai Regional event instead. This slashes the cost almost in half! Please please donate so that we may make a difference in very many lives .
More Travel Information
Campaign Ended
$ 230 USD
Total Donation Received-
Funded -
$ 4,468 USD
Goal Amount -
Days Left
Cost Calculator
Airfare/ International Flights
$ 1,750
$ 1,500
Local Travel Expenses
$ 768
Passport/ Visa/ Residence Permit
$ 450
Shuntaro Hiura Funded $ 50 USD
Mar 03, 2018 -
FRANCISCO Pitta Gros Paulo Funded $ 100 USD
Feb 11, 2018 -
Geralda Wildschutt Funded $ 50 USD
Jan 27, 2018 -
ameni Funded $ 30 USD
Jan 18, 2018