Culinary exploration of ancient cultures & ecosystems

Alexander De Pina Start Date: May 5, 2024 - End Date: May 4, 2025
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Japan
  • Türkiye
  • Egypt
  • Florida, United States of America
  • Greece
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • India

My Travel Story

by: Alexander De Pina Start Date: May 5, 2024 - End Date: May 4, 2025
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
It is difficult to consolidate the importance and purpose of this journey into a brief introduction, as I travel I am recognizing how every detail of every experience is going to contribute in some way to the complexity of my long term goals.

What are those goals? I am Alexander, a chef/entrepenuer from Miami, Fl and I plan on creating local, sucessful models all across the world of self -sufficient food systems and ways of life starting in South Florida & Northern Portugal (I am a 1st generation Portuguese American.)

I have already cultured quite a network & learned many skills in the fields of mycology, permaculture, agroforestry, botany, herbalism, fermentation, & of course gastronomy. Skills essential to creating a new, abundant way of life that is in sync with the world around us.

I have been traveling for 3 months, currently living in a 700+ year old village in the north of Portugal where my ancestors built their home and lived off the fruits of the valley in which it resides.  The longer I explore, the more reveals itself to me, showing me how much more there is to learn. Here in Portugal for example I have been diving straight in to the rich traditions, culture, & history learning directly from the older generation who has received this knowledge from many generations before. This ancient knowledge, as well as the ancient villages, are at risk of being lost as the younger generation becomes more westernized and time marches on. As a cook, my "style" is always to honor what came before, study what is here now, and take it along into the future for the ultimate expression of whichever region I find myself in.

So I wish to continue my travels to learn directly from the wise generations, the local innovative producers who have the health of our planet in mind, to explore the wild flora & fauna of different regions, & to meet all others who are on the same page so that we may support each other in creating spaces where anyone can come to learn these ways.   I also have opportunities to work in some of the best restaurants in the world such as Le'enclume in the UK and L'effervessence in Tokyo Japan and bring that experience/level of expertise back to these endeavors, but work visas are very expensive and there is not a lot of support from governing bodies for culinary jobs to acquire the visas without hassle.

I also wish to document all these experiences, so I have included funds for paying a videographer and translator so that we can share the stories of all the incredible humans and places we meet along the way. 

Then, in 2025 we begin applying all this knowlege & tapping into our newfound worldwide community to begin our projects.  In Portugal it will be in the form of restoring villages to create cultural epicenters that are practicing self sufficient ways across the board as generations previous have done, but with an intention to advance into the future as well. In South Florida we will create a similar space, utilizing the global knowledge I have acquired and applying it to the native resources there.  In between we will be doing all sorts of educational experiences, retreats, workshops, pop up supper clubs, festivals, conventions etc.

Even if these projects do not take place in some countries I plan to visit, I can learn concepts & ideas from Japan for example that can be applied to the regions I will be working with. Please help me experience these priceless cultures so that we may create an example of self sufficient living that combines the old & new world.
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Japan
  • Türkiye
  • Egypt
  • Florida, United States of America
  • Greece
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • India

Adventure Registry

  • Funds to hire Videographer

  • Translator Funds
