Studying in Japan - make my dream come true!

Kristóf Juhász Start Date: May 14, 2019 - End Date: Sep 13, 2019
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Tokió, Japan

My Travel Story

by: Kristóf Juhász Start Date: May 14, 2019 - End Date: Sep 13, 2019
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
My name is Kristóf Juhász and I’m currently pursuing the Master in Finance degree at Corvinus in my home country, Hungary. I'm happy to announce that through a very difficult and long application process, I got the chance to study one semester in JAPAN!!!

This is like a dream coming true for me. Since I can remember I have been always interested in Asian cultures especially about Japan!  I'm very fascinated about the Japanese unique way of thinking, their respect for tradition and preference of quality, diligence and efficiency. I want to get a real cultural shock so apart from studying at the famous Keio University I want to travel a lot around in the country. Of course, I am watching lots of animes and reading lots of mangas so I'm pretty keen on learning Japanese to be able to revisit these art pieces in their original language.  To have a complete experience, I would like to:
  • visit and climb Mount Koya
  • haggle once in "Kyoto's Kitchen"
  • taste one tiny bit of Wagyu beef and eat real Japanese sushi
  • have a clear view of Mount Fuji on a sunny day
  • and do lots of other activities (of course solving everything on a budget)
Being in my mid-20s I’m very ambitious about developing and challenging myself in every way I can in order to achieve my goals. You can see from here that unfortunately, the only thing that stands between me and this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is $$$... I'm applying for all available scholarships and I have a part-time job as well but I'm still a little bit short so I'm now asking you to help me make my dream come true!

To show my appreciation, I will create a montage video about my adventures in Japan to share it with all of you! I promise it will be better designed than my photoshopped pictures. :)

Thank you in advance for your support!
  • Tokió, Japan